FMHCA is a chapter of the American Mental Health Counselors Association, and is the only organization working exclusively for LMHCs in the State of Florida.
Florida mental health COUNSELORS association
2101 Vista Parkway Ste 233 West Palm Beach Florida 33411 (P) 561-228-6129 (E)
Description: Are some of your clients struggling in relationships? Early childhood attachment ruptures can lead to out of proportion relational responses. Attachment trauma adversely affects adult relationships. Using lecture, video presentation, and practicum, Sandra B Stanford, LMHC will teach the tenets of wounded attachment and healthy attachment. She will enable therapists to discover the power of healing by utilizing the 8 phases of EMDR Therapy which equips clients to find safety in themselves and in connection with others. Sandra will demonstrate intake questions that begin with womb work which can be essential in the healing process. Her dynamic teaching style is engaging which enables a productive and supportive learning environment.
*EMDR Basic Training is required to attend this workshop.
CE Broker Tracking #: 20-919401
General Credits: 13
This event is sponsored by FMHCA, an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider. FMHCA NBCC Provider# 2058. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. FMHCA is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. This course is approved by the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, LMHC, LMFT, LCSW – FMHCA CE Broker #: 50-748
EC Program Approval Number: #19011-02
EMDRIA Credits: 13
Learning Objectives:
1. Review 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy, the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model and the Three Prong Approach.
2. Describe intake questions to include in Phase 1 History taking to gather pertinent attachment trauma information to determine potential targets.
3. Explain the components of secure attachment and attachment trauma.
4. Define how neglect, rejection, and abuse from attachment trauma interact between the wounded inner child and the adult within to support the conceptualization process in Phase 1 History taking.
5. Demonstrate how to help clients complete the fight/flight or freeze responses in a way that creates lasting empowerment to support Phase 2 preparation to help the client manage affect.
6. Explain and demonstrate inner child guided imagery to help heal the child within to support Phase 2 preparation through recorded demonstration and in practicum.
7. Explain and define the 4 types of attachment styles.
8. Explain and describe how to set up a supportive inner Resource team with a client. Script provided for developing nurturing, wisdom, and protective figures to support Phase 2 preparation through recorded demonstration and in practicum.
9. Demonstrate how to identify potential targets and resources utilizing expressive arts technique for Phase 1 history taking.
10. Explain Window of Tolerance and how it affects the capacity to repair ruptured boundaries to enhance a sense of personal safety in support of Phase 2 Preparation through recorded demonstration and in practicum.
11. Explain and observe elements that comprise Phase 1 history taking through an attachment lens exploring questions that highlight attachment styles through recorded demonstrations.
12. Explain and observe the mechanics of Phases 3-4 Assessment and Desensitization through an AIP and an attachment lens through recorded demonstrations highlighting typical errors that can occur in Phase 3 Assessment.
13. Explain and observe the mechanics of Phases 5-6 Installation and Body Scan through recorded demonstrations.
14. Explain and observe the mechanics of Phase 7 Closure through recorded demonstrations.
15. Explain and observe interventions for healing attachment wounds through recorded demonstrations.
16. Explain and observe the mechanics of Phase 8 Reevaluation of the former target through recorded demonstrations.
About the Presenter:
Sandra B. Stanford, MA works as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor at Charis Counseling. Center’s satellite office in Titusville, FL. Sandra earned her Master’s Degree in Psychological Counseling from Palm Beach Atlantic University. Sandra’s therapeutic style is collaborative in naturewhere her goal is to help clients recognize, define, and achieve growth and healing in their hearts and homes. Sandra and her husband, David, have been married over 30 years and have two adult children, Jonathan and Anna Beth, a son in love, Christopher, grandson Ashton and 2 Airedale grand-dogs Sherlock and Weta. Sandra is certified in EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) which is a powerful psychotherapy approach that has helped an estimated two million people of all ages relieve many types of psychological distress. She is an approved CEU provider for EMDR Therapy. Additionally, Sandra enjoys working with couples and is certified in the Prepare & Enrich program, she is trained in Emotional Intimacy which teaches couples how to connect on a deeper level and has a specialty focus on those couples who desire healing from an affair. Sandra is the founder of Our Marriage Matters and offers faith-based weekend intensive retreats and groups for couples. She is also a Certified Daring Way ™ Facilitator utilizing the work of Brene’ Brown offering one day workshops and processing groups. Sandra is an active member of the Florida Mental Health Counselors Association and the American Association of Christian Counselors.
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